An inspirational week at Data Citizens ‘24: Collibra AI Governance is now live


There’s no feeling quite like getting together with customers and partners to celebrate the amazing achievements they’ve made as well as introduce them to new innovations available now, and on the horizon. While Data Citizens ‘24 was filled with engaging sessions and content, more importantly, it brought together our community of data and AI professionals to learn and connect with one another. 

GenAI (like ChatGPT and other solutions) has kicked off a tidal wave of AI interest and projects.  Organizations are under intense pressure to quickly leverage AI as a competitive advantage. However, using AI without proper governance and without a complete understanding of the underlying data can lead to unwanted outcomes including model bias, inaccuracies, legal and ethical implications, trust issues, and more. Organizations ultimately need to ensure they can deliver reliable, explainable, and ethical AI. 

Several customers and partners shared how they are tackling AI governance including best practices and pitfalls to avoid. McDonald’s and Expleo tag teamed an insightful session, discussing how GenAI is being used to accelerate both customer and team member experiences. They also dove into why having a foundation in data governance has been a key to their success 

PRO TIP: Taking a data-centric approach to AI is going to save time, money and heartache. Great data feeds great AI – having the proper data governance and protection in place allows data scientists to deliver high-quality and valuable AI from the start.

Based on this pioneering use of Collibra AI Governance, McDonald’s and Expleo both won awards at DC24 too. McDonald’s won the “Acceleration All Star” award and Expleo won “Customer Impact Partner of the Year” award for North America. 

Attendees also heard from a variety of other customers and partners including Definity, UCLA Health, UC Davis, the US Department of Defense and Google. The common thread that ran through all of them: start now. The consequences of getting AI wrong are too great, and the consequences of not doing AI are equally as damaging. Having the appropriate AI governance in place now ensures that you’ll be able to confidently deliver trusted AI to both internal and external stakeholders, making AI a competitive advantage for your organization.

Deliver more reliable, ethical, explainable and effective AI (and mitigate a ton of risk)

I’m happy to share that Collibra AI Governance is fully GA. Collibra AI Governance helps data, AI and legal teams collaborate to ensure compliance with legal and privacy policies, mitigate data risk, improve model performance and ROI, as well as accelerate time to production. Some of the key features that will help you achieve your goals include:

  • Catalog and manage AI use cases: Catalog AI use cases with out-of-the-box model cards, and continuously validate the reliability of that data
  • Connect AI use cases to underlying model development platforms and the data that feeds it: Integrate model metadata from Google Vertex and Databricks for a complete picture of AI use cases and outputs
  • Mitigate data risk: Drive more responsible AI by discovering sensitive data classes for greater control of data
  • Protect data with privacy by design: Build and enforce data privacy policies to ensure AI complies with internal usage rules and external regulations
  • Increase visibility into data: Drive more compliant and valuable AI with visibility into the origins of the data that feeds it 
  • Engage and collaborate across personas: Customize assessments and workflows across data, AI, legal/risk and business users to adapt to your organization

Collibra AI Governance will help you deliver more reliable, ethical, explainable and effective AI both internally and externally. Employees need greater efficiencies and customers demand new experiences that will help them better engage with your organization. The right AI (governed the right way) will help you achieve that for both groups of stakeholders – it’s a win/win for everyone. 

Check out the new Product Tour so you can interact with the application yourself. You’ll see how easy it is to register and manage AI use cases and to effectively collaborate across the organization. We’ve also revamped the Product Tour for Data Quality & Observability, Data Catalog and Data Governance, so no matter where you are in your data and AI journey, you’ll be able to experience it for yourself. 

If you missed Data Citizens ‘24 and weren’t able to hear from our Product Teams about all of the great new features in this release, we’ve got you covered. June 4th, at 11 am EST, we’ll be holding the Q2 Release Webinar. Our Product Team will walk you through all of the features in Collibra AI Governance, as well as the rest of the Collibra Data Intelligence Platform. You can sign up here. You can also dive into more self-paced research on our website. We’ve got a host of product content, analyst papers and on-demand webinars to help. 

I hope you’re as excited about Collibra AI Governance as we are. Governing AI is an increasingly important topic that organizations are putting more thought into, and we’re sure that Collibra will be a great partner in your AI success.

Related resources


Collibra AI Governance


How to be an AI governance champion

Analyst insights

The critical role of AI governance for AI success

View all resources

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