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Try Collibra Data Quality & Observability today

Try Collibra Data Quality & Observability today

Try our software with your own data for 20 days at no cost. Upon completion of this registration process, you will proceed with the installation option shown below.

Use Google Cloud Marketplace or Google Cloud Deployment Manager. We recommend the Google Cloud Marketplace option for a simple, 1-click image installation.

Register for your free trial

Thank you for registering

Begin your 20-day free trial of Collibra Data Quality & Observability by clicking below.

Your trial period begins when you complete the installation. You will additionally receive an email with installation instructions if you prefer to begin your trial at a later time. Note that you must have a Google Cloud account in order to perform the installation.

This trial is offered at no cost; however, users may incur charges associated with hosting and computational resources utilized on the hosting platform. By accessing this trial offering, you accept and agree to be bound by our terms and conditions. Users are responsible for understanding and agreeing to any terms and conditions outlined by the hosting platform.

Enterprises across the globe rely on Collibra for their data intelligence

Helping customers drive strong businessoutcomes*

  • $9.1M

    per year in business benefits

  • 484%

    3-year ROI

  • $19M

    higher productivity of data governance teams

  • *The Business Value of Data Intelligence Cloud, IDC 2022