Collibra Protect

Simplify data access governance and define it all from a single location

Accelerate data access governance by discovering, defining and protecting data from a unified platform. Enable enterprises to make policy decisions based on what, why and who should access data.

Data access policy overview feature

Data access policy overview

Govern data access policies from a single pane of glass. Engage stakeholders across data, privacy and business teams to collaborate on and review policies.

No-code policy builder

Experience an easy-to-use, no-code path to write and push policies to the cloud. Pre-populate policies by pulling in data asset information from your data catalog.

No-code policy builder feature
Protect Feature 3

Data intelligence for smarter policies

Refine your access governance as you use it. Leverage metadata and business context to inform who, how and why data should be accessed.

Scalable enforcement

Write one-and-done policies to protect data in cloud platforms, such as Snowflake Data Cloud, Google Cloud, AWS and beyond.

Scalable enforcement feature

Automatic data classification

Take advantage of automatic classification to understand the content and sensitivity of data. Scale data protection for massive volumes of data.

privacy by design

Enterprise data catalog

Organize and maintain an inventory of your organization’s sensitive data across departments and domains.

dg data dictionary

Granular access controls and protection

Enable access controls at the column and row level. Apply advanced protection with data masking, redacting or hashing functions.

dg data helpdesk

Custom data masking

Bring Your Own Masking for Snowflake and Databricks allows custom functions to be applied to every data category and class, providing consistent masking techniques and tools for your entire enterprise. 

Frequently asked questions about data access control and governance

Learn more about data protection